This is one of the cutest families I know with an impossibly cute 3-year-old, Katrice. She’s rambunctious, affectionate, precocious, sweet, playful, happy and loved little girl. We did a short session at Unionville, the place where Tiffany & Sam had their engagement photos taken, thinking it would be a great place to return to now that they had a little 3-year-old in tow.
We wandered down Unionville on a hot and sticky August afternoon – along the train tracks, down the Main Street and into a (literally) cool little coffee shop for some cold drinks. It’s difficult not to feel the spark that is in this family and as I spent more time with them their unity was evident.
It was a short and leisurely session that day. The heat slowed our feet, but the giggles were continuous and infectious. I dare you to spend 5 minutes with her and not giggle.
It’s really, really, really hard.

They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.
Desmond Tutu

A big ball of sunshine. 🙂